
2018-08-28 17:39:34来源:网络

  Please submit your reports to me before the deadline.

  submit oneself to a search by the guards 让士兵检查

  submit to the enemy

  101. succeed v. success n. successful adj successfully adv.

  He succeeded (in) getting a place at art school.

  Who succeeded(继任) Kennedy as President?

  be a success / be successful / succeed in (doing) sth

  102. ◎successful adj. 成功的,有成效的,胜利的 success n. 成功,成功的人或事

  succeed v.成功 succeed in doing sth

  103. ◎sudden. adj. 1)突然的,意外的 all of a sudden 突然,冷不防

  2) 飞速的,快的 a sudden jump suddenly adv.

  104. suffer v. 受苦 受难;蒙受 遭受 Road accident victims(受害者) suffered from shock.

  He suffered a heart attack. The party suffered a defeat in the election.

  suffering n. 疼痛 痛苦 Death finally brought an end to her suffering.

  105.◎suggestion. n.建议 make a suggestion My suggestion is that we should give up the try.

  suggest v.1)建议 Mary suggested to me that we should go for a drive.

  He suggested doing it in a different way.

  2)暗示 His face suggested that he was unhappy.

  106. suit v. 满足需要;适于 有利于;相配

  If we met at 2 o’clock , would that suit you? The hot weather doesn’t suit me.

  Blue suits you. You should wear it more often.

  suitable adj. 合适的 适宜的 be suitable for/to sb

  107.supply v. 供应 供给 提供 supplied supplied supplying

  supply sth to sb / supply sb with sth

  c/n. 供应量 贮备 Supplies of food are almost exhausted.

  Water supply was cut off last night.

  108.support v. 支持 拥护;援助;赡养 供养;支撑 支护

  If you raise it at the meeting , I will support you.

  He has 2 children to support.

  Support the baby’s head when you hold it. in support of

  109. suppose v. 认为 推断 料想;假定 假想

  The prices are supposed to go up. Price will go up, I suppose.

  Why do you suppose he left? She had supposed him to be rich.

  Suppose / Supposing flights are fully booked on that day ,when could we go?

  110. sure adj. 确定 确信 肯定 adv. 当然 be sure of / about / that

  Are you sure about that? Ask me if you are not sure how to do it.

  be sure to do : Be sure to come.

  for sure: I think he will be back on time , but I can’t say for sure.

  make sure (of / that…) Make sure that no one knows it.

  111. surprise v. 使…惊奇 It surprised me that you have never sung professionally.

  n. 惊奇 ;意想不到的事 Her letter came as a complete surprise.

  She looked up in surprise. (much ) to one’s surprise surprised / surprising adj.

  112. ●surround vt. 围绕; 包围 The jail is surrounded by/with walls.

  Happiness is being surrounded by family and friends

  113. ◎suspect v. 猜疑,怀疑,猜想 She suspected him of taking her watch.

  n. 嫌疑犯,可疑对象

  114. ◎survive v. 1)幸存 Few survived after the floods.

  2)比…..活得久 She survived her husband by five years.

  115. ●swear (swore, sworn) v. 宣誓, 发誓 swear at sb 咒骂某人 swear to God

  swear to do sth swear that clause

  Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

  He swore that he was telling the truth.

  116. ◎swell v.(swelled, swollen/swelled) 1) (使)膨胀,(使)增长

  Her arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her.

  2)(使)隆起 The sails swelled in the wind.


  117. ●switch n. 开关; 交换 v. 打开(或关上)开关, 改变, 转换

  switch the conversation from one subject to another

  He is always switching jobs. switch off the TV switch on the radio

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