
2018-08-28 17:34:26来源:网络

  70. flood n 洪水,一大阵 v 淹没 The river is in flood.河水泛滥。

  What a flood of rain.好大一阵雨。 Letters flooded the office.信件大量涌入办事处。

  Warmth flooded my heart.我心里热乎乎的。

  71.floor n地板,(议会的)发言权 take the floor发言

  live on the third floor have/get the floor取得发言权

  72. ◎fluent adj. 流利的 He is ~ in English. He speaks ~ English

  fluently adv. fluency n.

  73. fly(flew, flown) v 飞,飞行,放,飘,突然开n 飞行,苍蝇

  Birds fly in the sky. A flag flies in the wind.

  How time flies.时间飞逝。 The door flew open.门突然开了。

  74. ◎focus. vt. 集中 ~ one s eyes /attention Eyes were ~ed on him

  n. 焦点,引人注目的中心

  75. follow v 跟随,效仿,跟得上

  follow sb up the stairs/follow one’s example/follow this road

  in the following years Their requirements are as follows. Do you follow me?

  The teacher came in, followed by some students./following some students.

  76.fool n傻子 v愚弄 make a fool of sb fool sb into doing sth All(April)Fools’ Day

  77.for ten for a dollar/take sb for a fool/So much for today/

  a ticket for tomorrow He is tall for his age

  78. ●forbid 禁止;不许 ________,_________

  forbid sb. from doing forbid sb.to do forbid doing the Forbidden City

  79. force v强迫,迫使n 外力

  force sb to do sth force sb into doing force one’s way force a smile

  82. forget v忘记 forget to do sth/forget doing

  Don’t forget me to your mother. You must do it before you forget it.

  Forget about sth 别再想… Forget it.

  83. ●fortune u/n财产;运气 seek one’s fortune make one’s fortune

  84. free v自由的,空闲的,免费的 be free from/of

  free of charge/for free/free sb from(of) a tax-free shop/a smoke-free room

  85. freeze vi vt 结冰 Water freezes at zero degrees centigrade.

  I am freezing.我快冻僵了。 Smiles froze on her face.笑容在她脸上僵住了。

  be frozen/freeze to death freezing cold/burning hot

  86. fresh adj新鲜的 fresh air/water/color/news

  87. friend n 朋友 make friends with sb a friend of Mary’s / a friend of mine

  friendly adj友好的

  88.fun n 有趣的事,娱乐,玩笑 It is great fun to swim in a pool in summer.

  have fun doing just for fun make fun of sb

  89. ◎function. n. 功能,作用,职责 the ~ of a chairman. 聚会,集会 official ~s

  v. 起作用,正常工作 The machine functions well.

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