
2017-09-15 15:05:00来源:网络

  83. starve v. (使)挨饿 饿死 starvation n. The animals were left to starve to death.

  84. state n. 状态,状况;州 in a good state/in good condition

  She was in a state of shock. the southern states of the US

  v. 陈述 声明;公布 The facts are stated in the report.

  You must arrive at the time stated.

  85. ◎status n.身份,地位 ,名望 raise the status of workers have a high social status

  86. stay v.停留;保持 持续是 ;暂留 逗留 n. 停留 逗留 作客

  Stay there and don’t move. He never stays angry for long.

  I stayed 3 nights at my cousin’s house. stay away/ in / out / up

  87. ●steady 稳步的;持续的;稳固的 We are making slow but steady progress.

  Such fine work requires a good eye and a steady hand.

  88.stress n.压力;强调 Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress.

  She lays great stress on punctuality

  89. steal v. stole stolen My wallet was stolen last night.

  90. step n. 迈步;距离;步骤 措施;阶段 The hotel is only a short step from the beach.

  This is a big step up in his career. We are taking steps to prevent pollution.

  Mind/Watch your steps. v. 迈步 行走

  she opened the door and stepped out into the sunshine.

  91. stick v. stuck stuck 插入;粘贴 ;卡住 陷入 n. 树枝 拐杖

  I found a nail sticking in the tyre. He stuck a stamp on the envelope.

  The key was stuck in the lock. stick to /with sth get stuck in/on…

  92. still adv. I am still angry. / The next day was still warmer. 仍然 还是

  adj. Keep still while I comb your hair. stand still静止的 平静的 安静的

  93. stomach n. stomachs stomachache He kicked her in the stomach.

  94. stop v. stopped stopped n. 停止 终止 / 车站

  stop to do / doing /sb from doing

  95 . store v.保存 贮存 n.商店 /贮存物 备用物

  in store (for sb) We don’t know what life holds in store for us.

  96. strength n. 力量 力气 strengthen v. 加强 巩固 strong adj. 强壮的

  He didn’t have the strength to walk further.

  97. strict adj. strictly adv. strictness n.

  be strict with sb / be strict in (about)sth / strictly speaking

  98. strike v. struck struck ; struck stricken

  The child was struck by a car. 碰撞 撞击 He struck him in the face. 打击

  The area was struck by a terrible earthquake.袭击 爆发

  An idea has just struck me.突然想起

  The union has voted to strike for a pay increase of 6%. 罢工

  Strike a match on the wall.擦划(火柴) The clock has just struck three.敲,报时

  I was struck by the beauty of nature. 打动 n. 罢工 / 攻击 袭击 be on strike

  99.struggle v. 奋斗 努力 They struggled just to pay their bills. He struggled for breath.







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