
2017-09-15 15:05:00来源:网络

  19. sell v.(sold-sold) 卖,售出;【喻】出卖 sell sb sth =sell sth to sb

  He sold the book for $5. = He sold the book at the price of $5.

  These books sell well . be sold out 被卖光

  20. send v.(sent-sent) 寄,送,用无线电波发送信号;打发,派遣;使变得

  ~ a message / ~ him a telegram / sent their children to school.

  This noise is ~ing me mad. / A telegram sent him hurrying home.

  ~ sb away 解雇某人 ~ for sb 派人去叫某人 ~ off 发出,寄出

  ~ out 派去,打发,散发出 ~ up 发射 send sb./ sth doing

  21. sense n. 感官;感觉;…感;情理,道理;意义 vt. (隐约)感到,领会

  a ~ of sight/touch/smell/humor/ duty /direction/language/music/business

  common sense There is no ~ in waiting here. What’s the ~ of doing that?

  The sentence doesn’t make sense. Can you make sense of the poem.

  She fully ~d the danger of her position.

  22. separate v. 分开,隔开 adj. 分开的,不相连的;单独的,独立的

  Separate the good ones from the bad. The children sleep in ~ beds.

  23. serious adj. 严肃的,认真的,严重的 Please be ~ about your work. take sth seriously

  24. serve vt. 为…服务;接待;对…有用;供应,上(饭菜等);vi. 服务,服役;接待,招待;适用

  ~ the country/the people/~ dinner/wine/the soup to the guests

  He has served in the army for three years. ~ as

  service n. 服务(行为);服侍,招待;公共设施,业务;使用 I am at your ~.

  25. set vt.(set-set-setting)放,摆;指定,规定;装置,调整;使处于某种状态;使…做某事;树立,出(题) ~ foot on… / ~ a standard / ~ a clock/watch / ~ …free / ~ an example to sb

  ~ about (doing) sth / ~ aside留出,拨出 / ~ back(the clock one hour)往回拨

  ~ off 动身,出发;燃放,使爆炸 /~ out 动身,出发/~ out to do 开始,着手

  ~ up 建立,开办 The sun has ~.(vi. 落,下沉)

  26.settle vt. 解决,调停;整理;使平静;安放;支付,结账 vi. 安定,定居;停息,停留;稳定下来 ~ a question / ~(down) in New York

  A bird ~d on the branch. Wait until the excitement has ~d down.

  27. shade n. 阴(影),阴凉处【u】;(色彩的)浓淡【c】

  in the ~ of a tree / various ~s of green各种深浅不同的绿色

  28. shake (shook-shaken) vt. 摇动,抖动;使发抖 vi. 震动,发抖

  ~ hands with sb He was ~ing with cold.

  29. shame n. 羞愧(感),羞耻(心)【u】;[a ~] 一种耻辱,遗憾的事,可耻的人/事物

  He is a ~ to his school/family. What a ~ it is to lie.

  30. shape n. 样子,形状,形态;体现,具体形式

  in good ~ 完整无损,状态良好/ out of ~ 走形

  v. (使)形成,塑造,具体化 It is ~d like a bell. / Our plan is shaping well.

  31. share vt. 分配;分享;分担;n. (一)份儿;份额;股份

  ~ apples among the children / ~ joys and sorrows with sb I will take my ~ of the money.

  32. sharp adj. 锐利的;敏锐的,灵敏的;尖酸的,刻薄的;剧烈的

  a ~ knife/~ eyes/ears, a ~ sense of smell, a ~ boy/~ words/a ~ pain/ a ~turn

  sharpen v. sharply adv.

  33. sheet n. 被单,床单;薄片/板,(一)片/块 put clean ~s on the beds/ a ~ of paper/water/ice

  34. shock vt&n(使)震惊,打击,震动,电击

  I was ~ed by/at the news ./ The news was a ~ to me.

  He got ~ed when he touched the wire. / If you touch the wire, you’ll get a ~.

  He couldn’t recover from the ~ of his son’s death.

  35. shoe n. 鞋 a pair of/two pairs of ~s / put on (take off)one’s ~s

  be in one’s ~s 处于某人的位置/处境

  36. shoot v.(shot-shot)发射,射击,射中,投掷;拍摄 n. 射击;投篮;嫩芽

  ~ a person dead / ~ sb in the head /~ the ball in / ~ a scene 拍一场戏 ~ at…向…射击

  37. short adj. 短的,短期的,近的;矮的;缺少的, 不足的

  in a ~ time be ~ of …缺少 be ~ for…是…的缩写 in short 简言之 shorten v.







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