
2015-10-12 11:13:02来源:网络


  Ever since news of widespread food recalls caused by a carcinogenic dye broke, there has been confusion over possible links to the country of the same name, but Sudan officials say there is no connection whatever.

  Sudan?1 is a red industrial dye that has been found in some chilli powder, but was banned in food products across the European Union (EU) in July 2003.

  Since the ban was put in place, EU officials have been striving to remove some food products from the shelves. So far 580 products have been recalled.

  Last week Sudan‘s Embassy in the United Kingdom asked the Food Standards Agency (FSA) for clarification of the origin of the dye‘s name.

  Omaima Mahmoud Al Sharief, a press official at Sudan‘s Embassy in China, explained the purpose of the inquiry was to clear up any misunderstanding over links between the country and the poisonous dye.

  "We want to keep an eye on every detail and avoid any misunderstanding there," she said. "Our embassy to Britain asked them how the dye got that name and whether the dye had something to do with our country. But they told us there was no relationship."

  The FSA, an independent food security watchdog in Britain, received a letter from the Sudanese embassy last week.

  "They asked us why the dye is named Sudan, however, we also do not know how it got the name," she said. "People found the dye in 1883 and gave it the name. Nobody knows the reason, and we cannot give any explanation before we find out."

  Sudan dyes, which include Sudan?1 to 4, are red dyes(颜料) used for colouring solvents(溶剂), oils, waxes, petrol, and shoe and floor polishes. They are classified as carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

  1. What does the underlined word mean in paragraph one?

  A. Causing cancer. B. Having side effect. C. Containing poison. D.Poisonous

  2. How did the Sudan?1 get its name?

  A. The dye is often produced in Sudan.

  B. The dye has something to do with the country named Sudan.

  C. Nobody is sure of the origin of the name.

  D. Many foods produced in Sudan contain the dye.

  3. We can infer from the passage that.

  A. the Sudan government is paying much attention to the food safety

  B. Sudan?1 is often used to be added to the food

  C. people didn’t realize the danger of Sudan?1 until 2003

  D. many food shops will be closed down

  4. Which of the following is the best title?

  A. Keep away from Sudan?1

  B. No Sudan?1 dye links to the country

  C. How Sudan?1 dye got its name?

  D. Pay attention to the food safety


  1. A 词义猜测题。根据They are classified ascarcinogens by the International Agency for Researchon Cancer. 可知这个词与癌症有关,故可推出carcinogenic意为"致癌的"。

  2. C 细节题。根据People found the dye in 1883 andgave it the name. Nobody knows the reason, and wecannot give any explanation before we find out.可知还没有人知道"苏丹红"名称的由来。

  3. B 推断题。根据EU officials have been striving to remove some food products from theshelves. So far 580 products have been recalled.可知某些食品因含有"苏丹红"而被召回。故可推断"苏丹红"经常用作食品添加剂。

  4. B 主旨大意题。根据there has been confusion over possible links to the country of the samename, but Sudan officials say there is no connection whatever. 可知本文主要讲"苏丹红"与苏丹这个国家是否有联系的问题,故B最佳。




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